Thursday, September 18, 2008

RoTTen NeWs

Hello guys, I won't be posting any more stuffs here for the coming week or days. Reasons due to I'm not well and I should be away from home this coming week. But this does not mean I'll stop here or shut this blog down. ( All my efforts is in here! ) So take care and happy fasting to all my Muslim friends. ChAo~

Bobby-San ( 4-3-2-1 *BOOM!* )

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What's WitH ThiS FeeLing?

12.36am, Wednesday morning, still not sleeping. I don't know when I got this weird feeling and it's getting me on my nerves. It's like a very sharp pain in my heart, I cant do anything about it, can't even distract myself from it. What's happening? I felt so fragile, felt like I'm on stage, without anything in mind to present anything, no one is watching me, no one is listening to me. ( Duh! I'm not saying anything. ) Trembling upon this feeling, I dun dare to tell anyone about this. Is this how people in love felt when they are missing someone? Or was my anger? Or was it from God trying to cleanse away some of my sins? Fuck, I don't like this and I want this to go away soon. Felt like I suddenly have no one. Curses... *Sigh!*

Bobby-San ( 4 more days. )

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

ThaT wAs WoW

Ello! Bobby-San is here again. Hmm, seems like everyone who are close to me are preparing to beat someone up. Bunch of mean people, give me a year off please? =[ Hahaha, 5 more days and I'll be LEGALLY 18. Can't wait for the big day! Hehehe. I'm so happy! To those of my friends who will be turning 18 soon, my advice: PERLAHAN-LAHAN KAYOH UH BRADER! Every year, it's always the same outcome, I have about 10 people chasing after me and 10 more people waiting to keropok me up. Bob's sad, let him off this year please? =[ Last year I was beaten up at a coffee shop. ( Yes a coffee shop, they threw plastic chairs at me. ) Last 2 years, I was beaten up in a classroom. ( Damn! I should not have ran into Badib. ) Last 3 years, Mich was the place, worst Birthday Bash ever. So what will it be this year? Throw me out from my window? *Sniffs* Hmm, nothing much happen today. Slacked with Joe and John during our prayers. Today was boring! Oh! Oh! BeL send me something that was... *Speechless*. I'm still thinking if I should post it here or not. Hmm... Anyway, it will be 5 more days from today ( Wednesday, 17-09 ), countdown for me okay? =D

Bobby-San ( OMG! OMG! 5 MORE DAYS! )

Thank you for Reminding Me

Hmm, let's see... Today is 16-09, Tuesday, 6 more days! ^.^ 4.03am, 22-09-90, Saturday, a child was born. Raised by people who called themselves parents to him, this child was brought up not to fear others but to respect others of what they did. Wandering around the world of technology, he learnt a lot. His interest bears no limits but will his interest help him in the future? People who gave life to him called him Syafiq, close people to him called him Bobby-San and strangers called him Bob. Always cursing for the slightest mishappenings, does this boy know wad is the meaning of fear? Seems like the last time he felt fear when he was waiting for his O-Level results. Some time after that, he forgot wad it is like to fear something or someone. Woke up at around 2pm today, he was haunted by his nightmares again. Nightmares of which he would see himself dying, most of it are in such an unthinkable manner. Recently he have been mumbling about not fearing death which he still is not afraid of but whenever he thinks or saw some particular people, his heart began beating faster, anger filled his mind. Is this fear or unstable emotion? After the tragedy and this feelings, he now understand a bit more about death. The reason people fear death is because they have not made enough preparation for their second life. It's like they are suppose to pay a sum of money to pass through a toll. So Bob, what plans do you have for your own death?

I want to thank my God for reminding me what's fear.

Bobby-San ( I fell asleep while writing this. >.<'' )

Monday, September 15, 2008

Things I'll Never Say

I'm feeling nervous,
Trying to be so perfect,
Cause I know you're worth is,
You're worth it.

It's 7pm, I'm suppose to break my fast but I have no mood to eat. Only had 2 hours of sleep today. Just where the hell am I suppose to find all the energy to meet-up with the 1990 Legends. I don't know how I'm feeling now. I don't know what to say. I was consumed by nostalgia. I was happy back then. But things will always come to an end, even our problems. Seems like it's pointless to try to save somethings on this world. But this does not means we should waste what we have right? So why am I still trying to waste my time on this wicked world? Seems like a lot of people know me online but do they really know who I am in the real world? In a world where blood flow out of your wound if you were to cut your wrist. Friends and family told me time in time, again and again not to waste my time on redundant stuffs. But wad's wrong with helping people? I thought we're suppose to feel good after helping someone out? Well guys, you will feel good if you help out in the right manner. My advice: If you're helping someone out and you don't feel good about it means you are not helping out that person even if they put on a smile. I can and will know how someone is feeling just by looking at them or by talking to them but what does this have to do with my life? Yesterday is history, today is a gift and tomorrow is a blessing. Most people fear death but what's there to fear? Was it because of our sins or was it just rumours?

B.t.w. Bob's not emotional, he's just upset with his decision.

Bobby-San ( To fear death, is to limit life )

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Well if you guys have been here recently, you guys must have noticed some commotion happenings at my tag board. So this is how the story begun, recently I got to know this girl. But I did not fell for her instead I only cared for her. Seriously, I'm not in love with her and I can't deny other's point of view. So those who have a different idea about this matter, I have no comments. After reviewing all what have happened, HaHaHa, got to admit is was kinda a "heroic" thing to do. =.='' So why am I still caring for this girl? Seems like the only possible answer is: Bob's in love with this girl? Nahh, I'm not, it's just that I like doing things that I like. Those who know me long enough know that I'm one selfish freak who only care about myself and also hurting others from a long away distance. Sounds very coward and gay right? That's me but I'm not proud of it, this is nothing to be proud of. So why am I caring for this girl? Honestly guys, I don't know either. The last thing that i regret doing is not putting enough effort for my O-Levels. Hmm... Will I regret again this time? Time will reveal everything. That's all I can say for now. Hmm... So this episode will come to an end here. This is why I like blogging, I can be the director and also be the actor at de same time. =]

P.s. To the girl who is involved in this post, I'll still care for you.

Bobby-San ( S-E-V-E-N M-O-R-E D-A-Y-S )

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fukin Freaky Fuk-up Fridae

Today was suppose to be a happy day for me, I've planned it nicely like how I always do but something came up and I've only got one thing to say. It sucks. My day started off after I woke up at about 3pm then I talked on the phone until about 4pm. Had my bath after that and then I on lined MSN. I wanted to go out today but someone cancel it, To the person who cancel it: Thank you, perangai GOPAL sakk. Hahaha, it was not planned properly so please Kimo, you don't have to feel bad. =D So I break my fast at home, my uncle came over too, seems like everything is not so bad as for now. About 8 plus, Sieww pm-ed me on MSN and told me what happened. Wahhh!! After she told me the story, I seriously felt like giving that dude a piece of my mind. You guys just imagine, you are getting scoldings for nothing and trust me guys, it was seriously too harsh for a girl who is having a LOT, A LOT of problems now. The feeling is worst than getting owned in a game. And during the ordeal, I keep on thinking: How am I able to feel this girl's pain? Am i in love with her? Or I was just too concern with her? There's just something about her that makes me wan to care about her. You guys must be thinking something like: Aiya Bob, when you in love of cause you will say something like that right? Honestly, I am not in love now. Sooner or later, that is something that I will never know now. Ha! Ha! Ha! Sieww, trust me girl, you are not wasting my time because I have plenty, plenty of free time and to think that you're not worth my time... You're wrong, I love to spent my time with those people who are worth my time, even a few mins. And what you are going through now, this is something that a girl can't handle alone but you manage to pull yourself through for 2 months alone?! Fear no more girl, I'll pull you out of this nightmare. I have no plans in mind but I'll definately come up with something, trust me Sieww, this is my promis to you. Cheer up okays? =] Ohh, I almost forgot.. To BeL: OMG! You post what I said to you? Okay okay I ment what I've told you and I'll still do it cause We don't just share the same birthday and these pretty words aren't just for display. =D *Poke you back BeL*

( Oohh! 9 MorE DayS! )

Friday, September 12, 2008

This is definitely not fair...

This day started hours before we break our fast. 5.30pm, Bedok Reservoir, Padin's block, me and Kyle were waiting for Kimo and Padin. We thought of breaking our fast at Vivo but someone had to ruin the plan by purposely waking up late. Thnx ah! So we just had our meals at Simpang Bedok then off to play LAN. Half-way through the game disaster struck, fucking pissed me off. Seriously I'm bloody pissed off, for the people who read this blog and got irritated... You knoe wad to do, don't have to apolagise to me... Let me say this out one final time, I have myself to look after, my mum, my dad, my brother, someone who just accept me in her life and my friends. So please don't ever think of inviting me out again, ever again. To me, these 9 people: My mum, My Dad, Mr. Syakir, Mr. Kimo, Mr. Kyle, Mr. Mano, Mr. Padin, Miss. Bel and Miss. Siew matter most to me the 1990-Legends from Damai Sec, including Mr. Frank of course. If your name is not here means you are not close to me recently or I hate you. This is my blog, I do what I want to do, I say what I want to say, simple as that.

To Mano: I'm sorry to hear about what happen just now.

Bobby-San ( I'm pissed off. )

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ohhh... Coolness!

Hua Hua Hua! It's 2.30am in the morning. Duh! Well I've did more updates to my blog and also if you want me to link your blog please leave your address in de tagbord. Most of my friends were shock to see me with a new blog, hmm why huh? I know this is like something that I'll never do but I find it fun and it does not effect anyone else! So go head laugh all you want, laugh until you cough and vomit. As for todae, I mean just now ( Wednesday ), I thought it will be just another day but somethings happen and Oh boy! They made me happy. Hahaha! Firstly I scored a goal which is totally a tyco goal and secondly I'm accepted in someone's life. I won't reveal who's is this person now probably sooner or later, privacy matter. Hmm, every day have it's own ups and downs... Guess what, I was trashed in every game of DOTA I played for today. Sad luh! Owned like there's no tomorrow. Hais. Ok enough said for today.

Bobby-San Learnt A New Word For Today!

Bobby-San ( Ohh! LaLas! )

Such a Boring Afternoon

Hmm.. It's like 4.30pm on a hot afternoon. I'm sill left with like another 2hours before I break my fast. Just finish playing DOTA, OMG! we were owned badly. 1 thing that i hate playing with pub because they tend to leave whenever they THINK that they cannot win. Such a lame theory, hope that the rest of their day will not go on smoothly. Why does most people have this kind of mentality, seriously it's like they die die know the outcome of the game. Probably they are not as experienced as I do ( Experienced, not Pro ). Okie enough said for now, got to go.

Bobby-San ( Boring! )

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

BlogginG AgaiN?

2.30am, I'm still not sleeping. Well it's a common thing for me, Haa-Haa. I'm still trying to figure out how this blogs works. >.<'' Some are simple, others are just too messy. I want mine to be something unique, something that will amaze my readers ( well if there's any ), something messy yet simple. Hmm... By the way, if anyone knows how to add password to a blog please tell me how to do it... Ohh and also, any new games please inform me too~

Bobby-San ( I was owned! OMG! )

The BirtH of A NeW AppLe

Well I don't really know why I started to blog but it seems to be fun to me so that's why i started to blog. Heh! I've always like to tell stories, some are good, some are bad, some are just lame and out-of-this-world. But the problem comes in when I have no one to listen to these stories and talking to myself makes me look like an idiot. So... This is why i blog! Anyway, I have some personal goals that I wish to obtain through blogging and also those who notice my spelling mistakes please inform me. I'm trying my best to improve my Language too... :D

Bobby-San ( What was I thinking again? )
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